The first web-fire remote assistance has a number of advantages:
The WEB-FIRE Control Room was designed with the specific aim of being able to monitor and be able to provide technical assistance thanks to remote assistance. the modular units of the EXFIRE360 control panel, also exploiting the advanced diagnostics developed to comply with the functional safety requirements in all hardware and software aspects, as well as monitoring the status of the detection and extinguishing systems connected to it.
The SV Sistemi di Sicurezza Team provides its affiliates with a series of physical and IT supports for solving the problem or a plan for improving the fire prevention system, creating with the customer total confidence in the management of protection and life saving. Human.
Within today’s dynamic marketplace, customers demand innovative solutions that increase business agility, optimize productivity and achieve sustainability goals, all while reducing total cost of ownership.
To compete effectively in this global market, it is necessary to define value beyond the cost of equipment and to optimize the company’s performance. SV Sistemi di Sicurezza can help you improve your performance with solutions and services to reduce the total cost and meet the needs of your customers.
In reality, in order to provide efficient and flexible methods to the customer, it is necessary to have a strong technical and cultural organization on fire-fighting systems, skills trained over the years, cutting-edge electronic equipment and software, certifications and certifications that encompass the life cycle of the production process; all to have a correct remote management and facilitate the resolution of problems, overcome user errors and reduce resolution times.
Start Up service for plant start-up.
Ability to monitor and record the entire Start Up of the Fire-Figthing & Gas system on the day of testing remotely and locally, document and give objective evidence to the customer or site managers that all simulated events were foreseen in the cause and effect. Possibility of having online support from the Sv Control Room to the customer after the Start Up and delivery phase of the system, for 3 months assistance and technical remote assistance on the management of the control unit, document and electronic updates are guaranteed; monitoring of the fire protection system:
Field signals diagnostics service and control panel boards.
Possibility of joining the remote management service of Fire-Figthing & Gas signals coming from the field by detecting system anomalies, call notification to the customer of the areas not protected by the fire system, the automatic intervention of the technician in this package is not provided, it only takes place after consultation with the client’s managers.
Possibility of joining the tele-management service for the control of the power supply for the operation of the control panel and electronic boards; verification of the hardware blocks of the same that control the signals coming from the field by monitoring the entire Hardware system; in this package it is possible to consider the automatic intervention of the technician.
Online periodic maintenance monitoring service.
Possibility of subscribing to the Online periodic maintenance service; often the systems after start-up maintained by your own internal or external staff of the Site.
This package is useful to assure the customer that the operators carrying out the fire maintenance of the planned signals; they automatically compared after the alarm; with the original signal list of the plant start-up, if everything matches; a document will drawn up with a positive outcome; otherwise the customer will be notified of the untested equipment for inspection.

DPAR service project documentation remote archive to support the system.
The “DPAR” service (remote archive project documentation) is useful for everyone; from the customer to the operator in the field; it consists of a dedicated and reserved 500 Mb web space with access to multiple password levels; where all the project technical documentation generated for the start-up of the plants will be stored on our virtual servers; updated based on future events and accessible by the user according to their needs.
The standard requirements expressed in reports and reports of the maintenance carried out; plans of the installed equipment and data sheets; block diagrams, electrical and dimensional diagrams, I / O list of 4-20mA signals; historical archive of events, manuals, programming and software backups.
All these documents can used through the internet browser by the customer for an inspection; by the technician to download the programming etc… and so from the internet browser by accessing the website, the user can work in safety.