Solutions & excellence all Italian!
We present the main Revamping of Fire Gas Control Unit services with the EXFIRE360 control unit for Fire-Gas and Extinguishing systems, unique centralized solutions in Italy abroad, special cabinets with complex electronic circuits to meet the customer’s needs complete with engineering, design systems, software conversion, logical cause effects, start-up assembly in the field by the customer!
STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR Revamping of Fire Gas Control Unit
The fundamental functions of a fire detection and control system fall within the scope of the European standard EN 54-1; This clearly delineates the exchange of information between the functions and the reference regulations for each of them (listed below). The optional requirements are fundamental, often the limits of manufacturers with few requirements are highlighted in the certificates issued by the competent bodies “Product Certification” ( often it is to SAVE ).
To understand the concept just consider that:
– The EN54-2 standard provides 12 optional, but NOT OBLIGATORY, requirements,
– The EN12094-1 standard provides 13 optional requirements, but NOT OBLIGATORY.
– To have the standard certificate of the product, the optional requirements are not needed, those “few” mandatory that the standard provides are SUFFICIENT.

Does the system require the application of the optional requirements of EN54-2 and EN12094-1? LET’S CHECK IT!
It is worth mentioning that “the Law does not admit ignorance”; it must be ensured that the fire extinguishing system sold with the control and command units inserted inside has the mandatory optional requirements to meet the requirements of the field application. This statement has a particular significance, if we consider the costs of the optional requirements that some companies (including SV Sistemi di Sicurezza) have deliberately incurred; because of this, having the EN54-2 certification is not exhaustive to meet all the requirements that the system calls for the Revamping, the customer must request the product certification and in detail the acquired requirements written by the Body on the certificate, only then it will be possible to understand if the product sold is suitable for a Revamping.
To perform a Revamping of Fire Gas Plants, including all “criminal” responsibilities, ALL the requirements are mandatory; Completing the Revamping and not being able to deliver the appropriate documentary and certification envelope to the customer IS AN UNFORGETTABLE ERROR. Let us remember that these systems are used to prevent and save structures / people.
Over the past 10 years, many different brands of fire alarm systems have been commissioned by various customers around the world, many of whom now have no service and spare parts.
Sv Sistemi di Sicurezza has implemented a tested and certified system to perform the Revamping of Fire Gas Centers on all fire-fighting systems of different brands. In addition to having the ability and technical expertise, SV is able to recreate from the source all the documentation necessary to carry out the engineering, reporting the system as it was designed.
EN 54-2 + A1 (Panel Control and signalaction)
List of optional functions with requirements
7.8 Output to fire alarm devices
7.9 Output to fire alarm routing equipment
7.10 Output to fire protection equipment
7.11 Delay to outputs
7.12 Co-incidence detection
7.13 Alarm counter
8.3 Fault signals from points
8.9 Output to fault warning routing equipment
9.5 Disablement of addressable points
10 Test condition
11 Standardized input / output interface
12.5 CIE contained in more than one enclosure
EN 54-4 + A1 + A2 (Device power unit)
EN 12094-1
List of optional functions with requirements
4.17 Delay of extinguishing signal
4.18 Signal representing the flow of extinguishing agent
4.19 Monitoring of the status of components
4.20 Emergency hold device
4.22 Initiation of secondary flooding
4.23 Manual only mode
4.24 Triggering signals to equipment within the system
4.25 Extinguishing signals to spare cylinders
4.26 Triggering of equipment outside the system
4.27 Emergency abort device
4.28 Control of release time
4.29 Release of extinguishing agent for selected zones
4.30 Activation of alarm devices with different signals
EN 60079-29-1

The basic functions of a fire detection and control system of automatic fire extinguishing systems fall under the EN 54-1 European standard, clearly outlines the exchange of information between the functions and the reference standards for each of them.
The system in question provides the functions shown in Figure 1.
To obtain the Certificate the following activities must be applied:
Engineering Design
Engineering consists in the elaboration of the documentation listed below, starting from the basis of updated project documents supplied by the final customer.
- Fire alarm & detection panel wiring diagrams
- Fire alarm & detection panel dimensional drawings
Conversion of existing programming of 1019 control panels
On the basis of the programming currently in operation in the fire control panel (check the availability of the same by the end customer), a software conversion will be carried out without modifying the existing tags and logics in any way but limiting itself to adapting the types of boards and related entry and exit numbers. At the end of Revamping of Fire Gas Plants it is advisable to carry out a general testing with the managers who follow the fire-fighting activities.
Material preparation in our laboratories
To optimize and minimize the installation times foreseen in the field, the EXFIRE360 control unit will be pre-configured in our laboratories. The main operations that will be carried out are the following:
- Assembly of the CPU basket complete with EXBUSCPU and EXMASTERLCD board;
- Loading the programming previously carried out in the CPUs
- Assembly of I / O card baskets complete with EXCANBUS card and I / O cards
- Assembly of the card display baskets complete with EXBUSFR and EXMODLCD card;
- Programming of displays with graphics and tags based on previously implemented programming.
Assembly and wiring of the control unit at the end customer
Assembly and wiring carried out by the end customer, performed by specialized personnel equipped with SV security systems.