POWER SUPPLY EXPSU20 EN54-4 is a control and battery charger system capable of meeting the requirements of the EN54-4 standard, usable both in stand-alone applications (for powering fire detection and alarm devices) and as Ada for control panels detection and shutdown, like the new MINI-EXFIRE360.
It is supplied in a 400 mm (h) x 600 mm (l) x 400 mm (d) metal box and is basically composed of:
– n. 1 x 600W 220 Vac / 24 Vdc power supply unit (redundant);
– n. 1 board for the management of the battery charge and power supply outputs, complete with two CANbus ports for the transmission of fault signals and the control of the I / O and interface lines;
– n. 1 board for managing the front signaling LEDs (EXPSU20-LED);
– n. 2 batteries with a maximum capacity of 55 Ah.
In caso di necessità è possibile completare il prodotto installando un display LCD touch screen da 4.3″ sulla portella frontale, da connettere alla scheda EXPSU20-LED: sarà così possibile visualizzare in dettaglio lo stato del sistema e i valori di tensione/corrente misurati.
If necessary, it is possible to complete the product by installing a 4.3 ″ LCD touch screen display on the front door, to be connected to the EXPSU20-LED board: it will be possible to view in detail the system status and the measured voltage / current values.
The Batteries
The control board can manage batteries with a capacity up to 55 Ah, with a maximum charge current of 3 A. The value of the charge current, the temperature and the voltage on the batteries continuously supervised; guaranteeing almost immediate signaling. in case of failure. The internal resistance of the batteries is evaluated every 30 minutes through an innovative test circuit; that allows to obtain a more precise and resolute equivalent impedance value; than what can be obtained with the classic charge / discharge tests or voltage drop measurement. .
The power supply to the external devices is guaranteed by 4 fused 25.6 Vdc outputs limited to 5A; for a maximum of 20A total. Each channel supervised against short circuit; fuse breakage and overvoltage or overcurrent faults; as well as being totally independent from the others.
The card is also equipped with the following I / O lines:
– n. 2 conventional inputs, for management of technological signals;
– n. 2 digital inputs, for managing technological signals;
– n. 8 relay outputs with clean changeover contacts (2 of which with fixed functionality for signaling mains failure and battery failure, the remaining programmable);
– n. 8 programmable open-collector outputs.
Finally, it is possible to connect the card inside an EXFIRE360 system. Thanks to the CANbus ports EXPSU20 EN54-4 it will connected directly to the bus of the EXFIRE360 / MINI-EXFIRE360 control units; becoming in effect an I / O management card.